Make Money Online, Sure!

Yes, making money online. It’s more of a statement than a question. Shortly after I lost my job I sold I’m glad to see someone making some use of the domain. I was quite interested in it at first, then simply became too busy. I’ve been at it for over a year now, and while making money online is not my only revenue source, it certainly helps. This isn’t a get rich quick book, but it is instead an eBook explaining the processes which I have used to consistently earn money.

Originally I was charging $10 for this eBook, but decided that I’d rather give it out for FREE to help my readers and to help grow my number of readers at this blog. So feel free to download the eBook, subscribe to the blog, and check back frequently. I’m always looking for more consistent and ways to earn money.

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Also feel free to leave reviews of the ebook in the comments. I’m interested in knowing what my readers have thought of it. Thank you!

Posted in Advertising | 5 Comments

No VCM for me?

Well I had been looking forward to getting into ValueClickMedia, but it appears they’ve denied me twice now.  Funny thing is, I just purchased a site that currently uses VCM.  Maybe I can use the site to get into the network?  For some reason they don’t seem to like  Maybe another support inquiry to them is in store if I don’t hear back in a day or two?

Wish me luck!

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Perseverance and Ad Networks

My current situation has caused me to think quite a bit about how I earn my money. My lack of a job has caused me to really look at myself and consider the skills and tactics I’ve learned about making money online over the past year or so to help me keep level headed.

In the past few weeks I’ve sold off a few websites, and purchased a few domains. Given this chance and my current position, I’ve gone back and taken a second look at the ad networks I’m working with and have accounts for. Adsense has always been the one while I’ve favored. Adsense, for me at least, has performed at a level which seemed to be adequate for my sites. Recently while talking with friends I’ve figured out (yes maybe I’ll let myself be called dense or missing the obvious.) that I can use AdSense, AdBrite, and ValueClickMedia all in combination on a single site. On top of that AdBrite and VCM pay on impression count not just clicks.
This information has caused me to rethink and reconsider how I plan out my sites. Plan for content, plan for clicks, plan to get readers and therefore impressions? All are relevant to earning money. But creating content for the purpose of creating money is something I’ve learned will not work. The readers come for the content. They don’t go to your site to get you paid. I’ve learned I need to continue to become more educated, and learn to be paid myself.

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Learning, and hopefully earning.

I’m back from spring break.  No, nothing too eventful.  Just went to my parent’s place for the week.  Good and relaxing to get  away from school.  I’m currently looking into some affilliate marketing to use on my sites, also setting up a few new sites.  I’ll have updates when I get stuff up and runnning to my liking.  Hopefully I’ll have a few posts made and timestamped this weekend.  Keep an eye out.

Soon as I take care of some required school stuff, I’ll put more of my attentions in this blog.

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