Lower AdSense CTR = Lower Google Stock Price?

I just saw this article on Wired. Now we all know that every time someone clicks on an Adsense ad, Google gets paid. Now you don’t have to look hard on the Internet these days to read that people are noticing their Adsense earnings going down. Also Google altered their ads some time ago so that a user needs to be more particular where they click on the ad in order for the click to count. Interestingly enough the article hypothesizes that lower CTR rates for Google have a direct correlation with the wellbeing of the company and therefore contribute to lower stock prices. (Has anyone else noticed Google’s stock price seeming to plummet lately?) Interesting article, I’d assumed the CTR and earnings going down simply followed current trends in the economy. Check out the article, it’s worth the read.

Posted in Advertising | 4 Comments

How do you keep site/domain information organized?

I’ve got a question for my readers.  How do you keep your site/domain information organized, what sorts of things do you keep track of?  I’ve began thinking about how I organize my data the past few days because I’ve realized that it’s all quite hectic.  I’ve got nothing really tieing stuff together.  I’ve got nearly 40 domains and I’m either looking at information on GoDaddy, stats on Site5 or stats on Adsense.  Also I’ve been looking and cannot seem to find a way to export AwStats information.

If I were to develop a piece of software to organize and keep track of this information, what do you think would be important to see?  What sorts of things should I add?


Posted in Blogging, Programming | 1 Comment

Affiliate for the Department of Redundancy Department?

Ok so I’ve realized in the past few weeks I’m caught in a bit of a cycle. So it’s not really a secret that I’m trying to proactively increase the amount of content this site provides in an attempt to increase my draw for readers. That being said I’ve been trying to seek out CPM networks and other potential advertising avenues which would be of interest to my readers. Herein lies my issue. While trying to seek out more content to provide I’m asked to have a lower limit of visitors to my site before I can be considered for many networks.

No, I’m trying to GROW my traffic and interest in my site. By stating I’m currently at level X, I feel as if I’m actively handicapping myself when I’m actually trying to grow make improvements.

On a slightly different topic, I’m yet to hear from VCM regarding two contact emails I’d sent. I not have two sites that meet their criteria for getting into their network, however I cannot seem to get in contact with anyone from VCM regarding the situation. Alternatives anyone?

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Q1b Where are you now?

So where has my beloved Samsung Q1b UMPC gone?  I haven’t posted about it in some time.

Well around the holidays my parent’s computer started going bonkers on them.  Yes, I understand the technology and could fix it… but I’m only home for a weekend at a time and don’t have time to get the proper equipment and parts to test it and actually come to a sound conclusion (i think it’s a bad power supply, but they have an emachines computer which uses a rather unique powersupply….) So i’ve set them up with the Q1b with the keyboard and stand.  I’ve got the Q1b hooked up to their other monitor to help as my dad put it “Make things bigger so i can see what i’m reading.”  The setup is similar to what Chippy had some time back.

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